Nani has shifted his focus to his next film Jenda Pai Kapiraju. Directed by Samuthirakani, a new schedule of this bilingual film recently began in Chennai and some key scenes were shot on Nani. Earlier, the film was shot in Hyderabad, Kerala and Goa. Nani and Amala Paul are playing the lead roles in this film and K S Srinivasan is producing it under Vasan Visual Ventures banner. In March, Nani was busy shooting for Krishna Vamsi’s next film Paisa and after wrapping the entire shooting of that film, Nani is now completely concentrating on Jenda Pai Kapiraju. GV Prakash is scoring the music. Nani is playing a dual role in the film. One of them is of a 40 plus year old man and he’ll also be shaving his head to get into the character. The film revolves around the theme that the society will change automatically if you change yourself. Apart from this film, he will also be seen in the Tamil remake of Band Baaja Baarat which will go on floors soon.
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